Monday, January 7, 2013

My last post was 5 months ago.  That doesn't mean that I haven't been reading.  I just haven't been keeping up with blogging about what I have read.

In March I made reading goals for 2012.  Unfortunately I did not meet any of them.

I think I have counted all the books I read in 2012 but it is possible I have forgotten a few.  I am going to make a post and date it 31/12/2012 for the rest of the books that I did not get around to blogging during the year.  I might one day get around to writing a short review for each, although realistically I probably won't.

It is a bit tricky to set reading goals for 2013.  I am expecting the birth of my son in less than 3 weeks.  So I am not sure how much time I will have for reading.

2013 reading goals:
10 Fiction
6 Non Fiction
Blog all of them

One of the first fiction books I want to read this year is Les Miserables. I am looking forward to seeing the recent movie version and I have this "thing" about not wanting to watch a movie version until I have read the book.

I have a lot of cosy science fiction books sitting around that I and dear husband have collected over the last few months from second hand book stores.  I love getting emersed in a good Sci Fi.  I especially love trilogies.  I find it so comforting to know that there are 2 more to come when I get to the end of a great book.  The idea with collecting these books recently was that I would have heaps of time for reading in the last few weeks of pregnancy while I sat on the couch with my feet up.  Somehow I now don't think I am going to have as much time for doing that as I originally thought.  Though I am sure I will get through at least one or two of these books.

For the non-ficiton I have a few books in mind about parenting and baby development.  I have a couple on the go already and I am really enjoying them.

Now to catch up on those 2012 entries.  Fortunately I have Good Reads to help me remember what they were!

Edit: I just remembered that I read "The Book Against God" by James Wood so that brings the Fiction total up to 14.